Congratulations Arsenic and Old Lace
It starts with a blank stage, a script, and an imagination.
From there helpers line up to support.
So much paperwork. So much planning. So much work.
Then actors are seen. So many actors. Thirty one actors, to be exact. Fourteen were chosen. Those fourteen would be the storytellers. Those fourteen would do the work. And mold the clay. And share the words. Those fourteen would execute the vision.
With the help of four crew members, board members, countless volunteers, and hours we probably shouldn’t try to count….art was created. A beautiful piece of art that came to be because of the hands of many and the direction of a couple.
The sad thing about theatre is that the art we create can’t be hung on a wall or rest on a shelf. Our art form exists but for a moment only to live now in our memories.
Congratulations to the cast, crew, directors, directors, and set team on a wonderful show!